The Reese with the added on friction sway bar should work fine for your combination. That said, so would the Equal-I-zer. I would not worry about adjustments for varying weight - unless you plan on carrying loads of rocks like was done in the movie "The Long, Long Trailer". :W I would bet 99.9% of us never change the hitch settings once they are properly set in the first place. I towed with a similar Reese for quite a few years but used the Dual Cam system for sway control.
I also feel that your tow vehicle will certainly need the assistance of WD. The Tahoe is primarily a passenger vehicle and not designed as a tow vehicle. It has soft rear springs with P tires and an engine that works great for everyday driving but not quite so well for towing a load. Keep in mind that there is a big difference between towing a small utility trailer and towing a travel trailer no matter how big or long, because of the frontal area and the windage of the overhangs behind the trailer axles. The Tahoe will tow utility trailers and pop-ups all day but may struggle with a travel trailer in my opinion. I would tow with that Yukon in your signature! :)
The Sunline is a great trailer. They were well made and comfortable rigs. They are not the lightest one around though. Too bad they went the way of so many others during the recession and folded. Mine did the same.
Good luck.