dons2346 wrote:
I've had those "helpers" from the campground try and help me park. I tell them that if they cause me to hit anything with my coach, that the campground will be held responsible so please let my wife do the guiding. It usually works.
So many of those spotters stand in one spot and never look around the entire space to see what the other 39 feet are doing. I can park DH on a dime and miss everything but it's because I take time to stop periodically and assess every point on the coach. One time a spotter almost caused DH to rip off a mirror on a tree. That's when I told him to get out of the way and I would do it. They even had us coming in the wrong way for a site that had a tree in the way. Backing in the other way would have eliminated that threat, but they purposely brought him in that way. I was livid.
If I'm back there (and I will be), he pays attention to me.