Forum Discussion

EnochLight's avatar
Jun 01, 2014

Hi Run tire steel belt damage (Hi Run ST175/80D13) question


I have barely 2000 miles total on my 2013 Travel Trailer (16 foot) which I bought new a little over a year ago. This week I noticed it was leaning in my driveway. Removed my tire cover and discovered I had a flat (we just returned from a weekend camping trip a couple of weeks ago that added about ~600 miles).

I removed the tire today and this is what I found. I'm not sure if I hit something or if this is a tire defect (for such a new tire). I'm pretty sure my tire pressure was OK - I checked it personally. Is there anything that would cause something like this assuming I didn't hit something? Not just the steel belt radial tearing, but the side wall splitting and the uneven tread wear?


  • If it is not a camber issue, or tire size issue. You might have picked up a nail, And driven a good part of that 600 miles on an severly under inflated tire. The wear pattern would seem to fit that idea as well. An under inflated tire runs hot, that will pretty well destroy the sidewall and the outside of the tread
  • Wow - thanks everyone! That's something to go off of. Much appreciated.

    hmknightnc wrote:
    What is your axle rating, tire rating, and scaled RV weight.

    Here's the funny part (or not so funny part) - both of my Hi Run tires and the spare are ST175/80D13's, but the printed label on the side of TT calls for ST205/75D14C's! Could this be part of my problem?

    Cold tire pressure is 50 psi (I keep them at 50 psi and check often). GVWR is 3810 pounds, GAWR front is 3500 pounds.
  • I "think" you have 2 things going on.

    1. There is extreme wear on the damaged tire if that is only 2,000 miles on a 1 year old tire. The wear maybe pointing to an axle or wheel alignment problem. If you look across the entire face of the tire there is extreme wear compared to the spare for 2,000 miles

    Is the entire 360 degree out side of that tire worn like that? More pics of the damaged tire on the opposite side will help show this.

    2. A good question is, did the heavy wear cause the tire to come apart or does the tire itself have an issue? That side wall split is piece of this puzzle.

    Look at the other tires, especially the tire on the other end of the axle where this failed tire is.

    Consider reporting your tire failure to the NHTSA to help the cause of reporting camper tire failure to a group who can do something about it. See here for a post on how to How To File a Tire Failure Complaint

    And your tire dealer or RV dealer will not file one for you, the owner needs to file the report and you need complete info off the tire.

    Hope this helps

  • That tire looks like it has at least 10x more miles on it than 2000 compared to the unused spare ( I routinely put >20,000 miles on trailer tires and they don't look that worn out). Based on your described 2k miles and the picture those tires were significantly overloaded or under inflated to get in that condition over 2k miles.

    What is your axle rating, tire rating, and scaled RV weight.
  • Not a tire expert (or on much of anything else), but looking at the two tires side by side, the damaged tire looks really worn. Seems to me to be a lot more than it should for only 2000 miles.

    I'd have a look at your axle alignment.
    Then, there is always the Chinese ST tire issue to consider as well. You may have hit something, but I don't like the looks of the side wall split. That aside, way too much wear for such low mileage.