Forum Discussion

JaycoRickJoan's avatar
Jun 19, 2015

Hitch shopping, recommendations?

Yes, I know this is an age old question, and of course the hitch you have is the best, but I will still ask...
I have a 2005 GMC Sierra 2500hd pulling a 2005 Jayco FKS322 32' bumper pull. I could not tell you what brand of hitch I currently have, it's the hitch the dealer installed for this combo, but it is nothing special, chain bar weight distro, friction sway control. It does ok but I know there is better and after pulling this rig for 10 years, I am looking for something that provides safer smoother pulling. My confidence level on a 10 year old hitch is not high, and I am ready to upgrade. We are not intending on getting a new truck or trailer in the near future. A few years back I considered Hensley but didn't pull the trigger. Have not seen much about Hensley on any forums recently so I'm not sure if that fad has come and gone. We are not full time RV'ers, just recreational 2x a year long trips and maybe 1x a month local campers.
Bottom line, I want smooth, safe pulling.
Let's hear your recommendations. Ready..... Go.
  • Did you search this Forum for `hitch' then search the results for the specific model you are interested in eg. hensley?
  • Most top quality hitches will work great with the TV/TT combo you got.
    Some of the top rated hitches are:

    Equalizer, the Anderson chain, and Reese dual cam to name a few.

    (IMHO) Top performers are the Propride and Hensley.

    Read the reviews with caution as some will swear there brands are better than others it's like GM vs Ford or Windows vs Mac they are all good.
  • Hensley is alive and well! :) That would be my choice and was. Also, both of my sons picked up used Hensley hitches for under $1000 each. Found them on Craigslist.

    They are easily re-buildable if necessary but was not in either of their cases. I did re-build mine a couple of years ago and it was very easy and was very inexpensive to do. The only thing mine required was new paint and some grease. I wrote about it and provided pictures of the process here.