We certainly had an experience with SKYLINE DRIVE where some of the sites are reserve-able and others are first come first serve.
We are regulars there so we also reserve our favorite spot. The day before we were leaving for the site some 200 miles away here I get this phone call from the ranger saying there is someone in our reserved site and wanted to know if we would like to move to another location... I asked where they wanted to move us and just happened to be next to the computer so I brought google search and got to see the two choices they had open. Both were out from under tree cover and not a pull through site which we really liked so I just said heck-no way... Get that dude out of my reserved site. Ranger said OK and we hung up...
We arrived at the mountain camp at LOFT MTN around noon and didn't see anyone in the check-in area so went directly to the site location. On the way the ranger was walking back and recognized us and said our site was ready... There it was with big trash cans blocking both entrances. I thought this was neat haha...
We got all setup and was about to walk back to the check-in to get registered. They neighbor guy was next door outside so I sort of mentioned I heard there was some trouble here yesterday with a claim jumper. He said yep that was my son... He said my other son is on the other side of you...
Then he said they finally came with local sheriff police and hauled the son on my site off to jail overnite for refusing to leave... Right away I knew I was deep sh** trouble haha... I was thinking I'm sure my tires will be slit the next morning and all kinds of thoughts went through my mind... What have I done haha...
I told the guy I would definitely give up my site if his son wants to stay here. He told me he was bailed out of jail already and was already on the road back home... He said his other son was leaving in the morning early... They all were drinking beer and the such so both of us sort apologized together...
The next morning it was just the elderly father and us and all was ok.
Sort of darned if you do and darned if you don't haha...
This is a true story at LOFT MTN a couple of years back...
When we came back the following season we noticed all of the site were realigned differently on which ones were reserve-able at the camp ground... Our favorite pull through site was not reserve-able anymore haha...
Roy Ken