We've camp hosted in various parks and yes, you should have gone to the camp host. Our directions always were that we could ask the offending party one time to tone it down or whatever...and that is 'ask' politely and go over the rules. We were never to confront the party in any other way and the party being offended should never enter into it again.
We'd give them a half-hour to settle down and then, if need be, we were to call the rangers or the Sheriff if things escalated. At that point, the offending party wasn't given another chance. He was evicted.
This is how a good park is run. Not all are like this.
I might add...Friday night or the first night of the offending party's checkin is always the worst. They're tired from driving and setting up and they are keyed up and they let loose. This applies to the kids, too. They can be wild and all over the place and yelling. On Saturday, they're out hiking, fishing, etc. and are more tired that night. There is definitely less noise on Saturday nights.
OP: Sorry this ruined your weekend. People need to be more considerate of each other in many ways.