Oasisbob wrote:
Our family tradition is to go out camping every Memorial day weekend so we made reservations way in advance. Set up camp last night. Roasting marshmellows with the family when neighbors move in. Stereo cranks. Beers are opened. Kids we don't know are in our site. Tried to polietly , and I really was, ask the neighbors to turn it down as it is suppose to be "quiet time". They told me I picked the wrong campground. Thought about camp hosts but what could they do? Get into a conflict and put drunks out on the road? Not likely. So we packed up and came home. Why can't folks who want to party stay home? Folks just do not care anymore. Very discouraging
Sorry that one small group ruined your tradition.
Sadly, you can and most likely will experience this type of behavior again.. Holidays can however bring out the worst in "party goers" letting it rip in campgrounds..
Unless the campground is full up, I would have simply asked to move to a different non partying site at the same time mentioning to the campground hosts the situation.
I to have endured more than once some very rowdy heavy drinkers that come 6PM out came the booze and they got louder as the evening wore on in to 1 am and even later.. We rode it out and they left after several days leaving us with a much quieter campsite again. It was against the campground rules for the alcohol and quiet time is 11 pm..
You did the right thing by not confronting them, it could have turned real ugly in a hurry but you didn't "need" to pack it up unless the campground was full.
You do need to get a thicker skin if you are planning to camp in public campgrounds and on holidays especially..