martipr wrote:
bikendan wrote:
first, the majority of us that have tote tanks, use it strictly for GRAY water, NOT black water.
not saying you can't but the gray tank will fill way faster than nearly any black tank, in comparison.
so, i don't have to have such worries, since i would never use mine for the black water. it would take us several weeks of camping, to fill our black tank, whereas we'd be lucky to go 5 days before the gray tank would be full.
are you a new RV owner, because many newbies focus on the black tank, when it should be the gray tank you should be focusing on.
Can you provide any statistics to prove your "majority" statement. The blue tote is designed to haul waste be it gray or black. I would think that if you can go weeks without filling your black tank that you have one huge tank or you are not using it very often. Since you use the word we, I assume there is more than one person. My family typically camps with 4 people. Do some math, a decent flush will use about a quart of water. If each person flushes 4 times a day, not unreasonable, a 40 gal tank will fill in 10 days.
I never use my tote for black water. I have never stayed anywhere long enough to fill my black tank. Does put me in the majority? Not sure it matters. We all have different camping styles, however I imagine most transient campers do not use their totes for black water while many seasonals do.
Back to the OP's question
When I towed my camper with an SUV I carried tote on rear ladder as shown below