Forum Discussion

Rygar's avatar
Aug 28, 2013

Hoping this is not the norm....

Last week we were coming back from some time spent in the great state of Washington. Enjoyed every bit of it until we were coming home. We planned on grossing the border at Peace Arch and we needed some fuel. I checked Gas Buddy and it showed the cheapest diesel in Bellingham Wa. was at Meridian Liquor store and Gas Bar. I filled up my truck $60.00 and went happily in to pay. Gave him my Mastercard and he gave me a slip to sign that said 61.86. I pointed out his error. He moved the newspaper on the counter, There was a sign that said they charged .10 cents per gallon to use a credit card. I pointed out how ridiculous that was and he told me: "What do you mean, that's cheap." I've never heard of such a charge. I hope this is not normal through out the USA.
  • I'm really surprised at this.
    It's something that hasn't made it's way into Canada yet.
    I guess I'll be watching for it.
    I hate carrying cash!!!
  • We found it pretty prevalent on the East Coast also...but gas in the States is still cheaper than it was in Canada...just sayin....Dennis
  • Two tier pricing use to reflect how most people paid with the minority paying extra to use their credit cards. Now most use a card and the cost is included for everyone except for the rare Cash station. Few get the lower price and the station keeps the ability to have the lowest price on the big sign. Another station may have been cheaper at a higher price without the fee but you wont know that until it's too late.
  • Some states require posting the higher of the two prices - if only posting 1 price. These gas stations then post the credit card price and have an obscure sign (sometimes on the ground) indicating a discount for cash. In WA I have seen only the cash price posted and the price at the pump increase 10 cents when I scan my credit card. I then cancel the sale and walk into the store and pay cash.

  • In SoCal it is not uncommon to see the cash price posted and the credit Card price ten cents a gallon higher. Yeah, I know, it's California. A recent major court ruling supported the claim that credit card companies cannot force retailers to charge the same price for credit card sales. All establishments can charge a higher credit card price if they think they can get away with it.
  • I found a way to get around this dumb fee. You can buy a gas station gift card at the grocery store with your credit card. When you fill up at the station use the gift card and they are treated like cash payment and no upcharge.

    Some gas stations themselves will let you buy the gift card right then and there, but some will not let you use your credit card to buy the gift card.
  • Gas is highest on the west coast than anywhere else in the whole country to begin with if I read Gas Buddy's map correctly.