Forum Discussion

mjmaddox's avatar
Apr 30, 2014

Norm in Pensacola

Are you OK - have seen all the terrible flooding in Pensacola. Was at Ft Pickens last week and it was wonderful. Guess we got out just in time. Anybody else get caught in the flooding?
  • Sorry I am late replying

    THANKS for asking. HUGE amounts of rain, continuous lightening for 2 days, not much far as we can tell so far, no damage...............the new puppy was terrified
    for 2 days, but she has recovered.................after Katrina, we do NOT live at low elevations
    any more ! ..but the AREA has
    TREMENDOUS damage to roads, and flooding of homes..............and, unrelated I think,
    the 4 story county jail exploded last night.............some deaths and MANY injured.
  • Here at Gulf Shores...sites are mostly ok as they built them up when the area was constructed...but it's a good thing it stopped raining when it did! Our lakeview site is now lakefront. Any site flooding was not bad enough to damage rigs...but the storage area had lots of rigs with water up to the bumpers and about all of them with the trailer hubs under water. Some sites will take a week or so to drain so that the pads are high and dry.

    This location handled the water better than Topsail or St. Andrews would have!
  • We were going to hunker down just east of there for a couple of days and I noticed a break in the rain yesterday morning and decided to head west. They got dumped on after we left.