I personally would not want anyone I did not know personally having 100% access to my house. Relatives, close friends, yes. Stranger ... no.
But I do understand the "circle of friends and family" could be relatively small as mine are. And those availble might not be responsible either. I (thought) I was fortunate to entrust my house to my sister when we were gone for some longer trips. She would check on our cats, change litter every couple days, make sure they had water and food. No problem. This she did perfect, no complaints.
But to our sorrow, she also ended up bring my mother with her, my other sister with her, and between them all, the rummaged, pilfered, and nib-nosed into our personal files, finances, bills, paperwork, everything personal to figure out (who knows what). This caused quite a problem with my mother, which ended up at my request that my mother re-do her will and absolutely take me out of it. It got that awful. By the way, my mother did finally oblige, had her will re-done and made sure I was left out.
What I'm saying is, even someone you trust could stab you in the back!
We now take our cats with us. They're happier and so are we.
But enough of my personal battles.
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