Yes, we will be very careful. Not much family left in area and friends and neighbors have their own plans. I believe that word of mouth with carefully checked references would be our best bet. We would prefer an RVer because we don't want folks living in our home. As far as amenities, there is power (both 110 and 220) and non-potable water (our shallow well comes from an underground stream below a creek). No dump as we have a septic system and county doesn't allow for RV dumping on site. We would allow the use of our shop that would accommodate a large RV of up to 50' if there is such a thing. There are RV parks and a state park nearby for dumping and water. We get our drinking water in 3 gallon jugs from a dispensary at a local grocery store.
We live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with city and county parks nearby. There are also miles of trails in the park across the road and 3000 acres of private land just a short walk away up the road. We are 5 miles from town on 6 wooded acres.
I believe there would be full-time RVers who would welcome the chance to take a break from their travels for 3-4 week periods. It would be like hosting a campground but no people and no toilets to clean (just a litter box, lol).
We still have a few months so will ask folks we meet on our upcoming trips. Thanks for all your suggestions and I am so sorry about some of your experiences.