nbking wrote:
Here in Canada, a long long way from Houston, prices have spiked up about 30 cents a liter or $1.20 a gallon. We don't get our gas from Houston. Most of our fuel comes from Canadian refineries.
They claim that there is no price fixing in Canada however prices went up exactly the same amount everywhere and at exactly the same time.
You got to hand it to the big oil companies. If you don't you get no gas.
That's not quite correct neighbour.
$0.30 Canadian is about $0.92 US.
While most of our gas does come from Canadian refineries, those refineries need crude oil to produce gas from, that crude has to be bought at the going rates. The other issue is that all crude in central Canada comes from the US, most of those pipes originate in Houston Texas.
Even Alberta crude has to go a long way south before they could send it back to Ontario.