spoon059 wrote:
luberhill wrote:
Not sure to gage how much we will need or use
If YOU don't know, how are WE supposed to know?
It all depends on the user and the expected experience. For 3 nights you could take one "Navy shower" (turn on water, wet yourself, turn off water. Soap/shampoo. turn on water, rinse yourself, turn off water) and get by with 3 gallons per person. Or you could take a luxurious shower and waste all your fresh water with one person the first night.
Are you going to a campground? Did you see if they have water spigots? Most state campgrounds around us don't have water hookups, but have various spigots at the main entrance or scattered loosely around the park. We have never had to carry water with us.
Do they have bath houses? You could just shower there and avoid your campers plumbing completely.
My suggestion to my friends when they start camping is to go to a full hookup site first. Fill up your water tank and attempt to "dry camp" that first weekend and see how far you get. They usually either learn to get by with their tanks (fresh and waste) or they learn that they need full hook up sites.
Will be fall dry camping...good advise thx :)