QUOTE: "What's amazing is how many of you take advantage of the senior citizen discounts and half price for camping.There is a cost for those things too but you're really not paying your fair share.But then many of you seem to be hot to trot to pay extra to drive on our roads.Doesn't make sense to me.I would much rather pay a small increase in the gas tax ever few years than pay tolls."
OK - if and only if you buy into the "social values" morally and ethically afforded to those of our society that can't perform as well as others, either mentally or physically, we need to rest this particular point as worthless.
For example, when Uncle Sam pays veterans for injuries that prevent 'normal work for pay', it also says (and other 'help programs too') that you CANNOT earn wages above a very limited amount. (Speaking here about a veteran brother and a mentally disabled son). IF you attempt to gain employment, and ultimately to carry on a 'normal life', those programs drop the recipients. So, it makes disadvantaged men, women, and children never earn a paycheck, hide earnings, or in general fail to pay "that fair share" ... the feds and states give such individuals discount - NOT because anyone "deserves a discount" but more because in order to receive assistance, those persons are NOT ALLOWED to earn up to their potential (an individual earning potential) even tho that person might be able to earn a bit more than the program allows, but not as much as a "normal person" can earn in a lifetime.
So, when you talk about 'paying the fair share' -- raising the price of EVERYONE who uses the services (Campgrounds, etc) one dollar, instead of removing the half-price for disabled and seniors feature truly spreads the cost, instead of making the disadvantaged lose half-cost discount all at once.
Far as the roads go, WASTE is the major culprit. How many of us have seen the proverbial "ONE guy digging, FIVE guys watching". And that doesn't even count the office personnel. And I speak from personal experience as a building contractor performing contract work with the state road builders (In a younger life) watching that waste IN PERSON.
We need some management, and some trainers, but federal and state projects stand at the top of the heap with wasted time. And don't even get me started on the waste in health care.
Perfect example - and blew my mind. Left Colorado Friday and headed east into Kansas. Happened to be a very windy day. So windy, I took a break in a Kansas rest stop, waiting for it to pass at least a little. Was really blowing.
SO, a guy in a state truck drives in with a bed filled with leaves and dirt, trash etc, gets out. He takes out a wide, flat shovel, sets up a couple orange cones, and a fires up a gas blower -- proceeds to "blow off leaves and dirt in the parking lot" ... of course, the leaves and dirt are blowing right back at him. Very healthy wind.
BUT, his job is 'blowing off the parking lot" so he's sure gonna do it. After he blows this trash around for a while (Up one line and down the other, a pattern, moving cones as he goes), an hour at least and Mother Nature blowing it back at him. He arrives at the rear of his pick-up.
Now, gotta realize this guy's been trying to blow this dirt and trash into a pile (that's how it's done) and then shovel it into his truck. BUT, when he gets to the truck bed, he has NO pile. SO, he looks around at the parking lot, nothing changed since he arrived, in fact, Mother Nature has been doing his job and blowing the leaves and dirt into the fields next door. He picks up the shovel, looks around for his pile, and finds nothing. So, he turns in a circle (I kid you NOT) and shrugs his shoulders. Tosses the shovel, cones, and gas blower in the back, gets in this truck and hauls out of there.
He's been better off doing his reports, washing his truck, cleaning the office, whatever, but Friday is the day (come rain, shine or wind) he's scheduled to blow off this rest stop parking lot, and he's for sure gonna do it Friday. Believe me, when he started, that parking lot did not have a leaf, a piece of dirt, or scrap of trash on it.
At least he was alone, and didn't have another guy watching him ... True Story, and you heard it first right here on RV.net ...