wa8yxm wrote:
By Definition anything over 13 feet is "TOO TALL".. That is the maximum allowed height for vehicles without over size permits on the highways by law in most (if not all) states. .
Sorry John, not correct.
13.6" is the usual statutory height in most states, including the state of Georgia. Since you apparently missed reading it while you were sitting at the radio I refer you to GA state statute:
Copyright 2015 by The State of Georgia
§ 32-6-22. Height of vehicles and loads
(a) Except as authorized in subsection (b) of this Code section and except when so authorized by a permit issued pursuant to Code Section 32-6-28, no vehicle unladen or with a load shall exceed a height of
13 feet, six inches.
Section (b) references car haulers and GA law permits them at 14 ft.
wa8yxm wrote:
Has happened to many a trucker.. I know.. My office phone was 9-1-1.
While you sat on the radio and answered calls I was out there enforcing the law, taught truck law for many years, and was recognized by state and federal courts as an expert in truck laws. A bit of a difference.
Any LEO who has done any amount of truck enforcement knows the box trailers seen out on the highways are generally 13'6". If a person doesn't know then all they have to do is read the side of many trailers which will sometimes have the height and length printed on the trailer.