Forum Discussion

welsteach's avatar
Mar 04, 2014

how to find the used camper I want

I have been online a lot lately searching for a particular truck camper that I want. Seems every time I find one it is already sold, one ad was at least a week past the sale. It is frustrating. I am in Alaska, am willing to fly to buy and pick up, but can't find one actually for sale. Thought rvtrader was reliable-NOT. Also rv-t. Not.

Anyone have a site that actually pictures what is really out there? (Not craigslist, for so many reasons).
  • We found our TT on Craigslist. Narrowed the search to the PNW since that's where we bought our truck. I do know it's harder when you live out of state and some people don't want to wait for us to fly down and look at their equipment.
  • I used Craigslist. Found one about 6 miles from my house. Cheap price. I looked for 1 1/2 years but was in NO hurry.
  • Have you considered buying in Canada? Look on Kijiji, maybe you won't have to travel as far.
  • Why shoot yourself in the foot by bypassing Craigslist? Lots of people use this free advertising service. Private owners aren't any less reliable/devious than used RV sales people.
  • Too Bad I had great luck on Craigslist finding my camper... Maybe you should go through a dealer....

    Mike C.
  • buying used is a******shoot and some of it is luck.

    I thought I found a good trailer then traveled almost 4 hours to find out that the pictures I saw were several years old. In real life the trailer was a mess so I quickly left with my cash in hand.

    A few weeks later I found my current trailer that had just been listed on CL, but looked very promising. Called poster fast, saw it later that day and made an offer. Needless to say that I got lucky because the owner got tons of calls after mine. I'm sure if I had hesitated, I would have lost it, but something else would have come along eventually.
  • My problem is that the online sites list things for sale that sold, sometimes months ago. I called two of them only to find out the camper was sold, they just hadn't taken the listing down. Very disappointing.

    One had a deposit put on it yesterday. They haven't come back with their financing lined up, so I am hoping they back out of the deal. The salesman said he would call me if they do. That was the closest I came to what I want.

    Plan was to go to lower 48, buy a 1 ton truck, and then pick up the camper. Not looking good for now.

    Didn't there used to be a site that offered all kinds of rvs, and even managed some kind of delivery system? They used to advertise on No ads now.
  • I found ours on google it was 120 miles from our house, then a quick call to verify by that weekend we had a deposit. Worked great plus we found a nice restaurant along the way.
  • Do you Google the particular camper you are looking for? I have put in "camper model for sale" and got hits on that model for dealers all over the country. Hope this helps.