loulou57 wrote:
I hope you don't feel I think all Canadians have my insecurities. It is obvious by the people that cross the border that they don't. I am sorry if I left that impression.
You didn't create that impression and, please, do not apologize for your post nor your very valid concerns about visiting the U.S., most especially since your negative experience in Syracuse, NY.
I will personally apologize for some of the insensitive RVers who are criticizing you for valid fears; the ones who are doing anything but supporting you by fabricating horror stories; for the ones who don't have a clue abut how the US is viewed as a gun crazy culture; and for the defensive ones who are all about comparing crime stats of the US compared to Canada. I think too many have just dulled themselves into denial due to the frequency of gun violence in this country (the U.S.).
Half of the RVers on this site carry guns when RVing, so there must be something to what you're saying, otherwise, why would they?
Take the best advice and just ignore the rest.