I will personally apologize for some of the insensitive RVers who are criticizing you for valid fears; the ones who are doing anything but supporting you by fabricating horror stories; for the ones who don't have a clue abut how the US is viewed as a gun crazy culture; and for the defensive ones who are all about comparing crime stats of the US compared to Canada. I think too many have just dulled themselves into denial due to the frequency of gun violence in this country (the U.S.).
Half of the RVers on this site carry guns when RVing, so there must be something to what you're saying, otherwise, why would they?
Take the best advice and just ignore the rest.
I guess I missed the poll on how many folks on this site pack heat while RVing. Well I am one that does but I am one that also has loaded guns in my stick home. What is the difference, I am living in the RV.
Loulou, I personally think you are just stirring up trouble or grinding an axe or you need help. If the latter is the case, I also think you came to the wrong place for it.
If your comments reflected reality, then i dare say the the advent of spring break here in good ole US of A would not mark the advent of the migration of Canadians back to the north land.