Funny story. We bugged out to a park near Macon, GA -- then had to (quite literally) bug out from there back home.
They say you should start every morning by eating a live toad because after that nothing else could be worse. I did one better. Started my day eating an ant.
The RV park had ants everywhere and they crawled all in the camper, one in my mouth. I found out the hard way that they are spicy and they are not poisonous. That woke me up because I was gagging on it. Then I found them crawling on my pillow and all over EVERYWHERE. Thank God they were not biting; not sure if they didn't want to or were not aggressive. I didn't ask them to find out. LOL
So at 4:30 in the morning we had to pack up and head back home.
There were some trees down but not bad. We have power and internet. Very little food was lost.
All's well that ends well.