CavemanCharlie wrote:
If you think about it these "Mandatory Evacuation Orders" worked. Even though not everyone evacuated, and even though in some places it does not seem that bad, it would have been a lot worse if everyone had stayed put. Then the extra people would have overloaded the system with just the normal amount of accidents.
It could have been worse if people had not gotten out of the way.
Evacuation should be determined by your circumstances. I'm OK with the "mandatory" orders, as long as there's no legal penalty for ignoring it. Your decision to evacuate should always be based on your circumstances and your needs. I know some folks that built a house in the Bahamas that was designed to laugh at CAT5 storms and storm surge, all while maintaining full electricity. There are many homes designed the same way. For me, unless I feared imminent danger, I'm staying put. Then again, I don't live in a mobile home or in a flood zone.