Forum Discussion

opnspaces's avatar
Navigator II
Jan 04, 2016

I seem to have a knack for destroying my black tank

I seem to have a knack for destroying my black tank. A few years ago, I think it was 2007, I managed to rupture my black tank and needed to replace it. This weekend I set out to replace my leaking tank sprayer and wound up cutting a three inch gash in the back of the tank.

I really don't want to have to replace this tank again as it would be my third tank and cost at least $300. So I'm looking for options and suggestions from all of you.

I am looking for a plastic welder in San Diego if anybody knows one.

I will be calling a RV few service shops, but I imagine their labor rate will push me to just replace the tank.

My other option is I'm looking at this Plasti-Mend stuff online. Does anybody have any experience with this and know how well it works?
Plasti-Mend Black

Any other ideas?
  • I used the Plasti-Mend to fix a crack/small hole in septic tank drain line cause I didn't want to dig out line to replace. Worked very well.....but no pressure like weight of full tank would cause.

    I would use it to 'patch' by affixing a piece of flat ABS over the gash vs just filling gash (fill in gash and then cover)

    12" X 12" ABS SHEET
  • I have successfully patched a black tank with pvc/cpvc/abs glue and fiberglass spackling tape. Clean the surface and then use successive applications of glue and fiberglass tape, overlapping the tape and spreading the area as needed to make a secure patch. I've done this kind of patch and it seems to hold well. Another patch I've heard people use is Eternabond roof tape although it might be better suited to a small crack than a large gash. I also like Old Biscuit's method.
  • You wrote: "I seem to have a knack for destroying my black tank"

    I suggest you change your diet....:B

    Seriously, I have had success using JB Weld for a similar repair also..
  • Check out automotive body shops. With all the plastic cars today, most will have or know of a good welder. Might get lucky and find someone on their own time. CNR = cash no receipt.
  • I will be calling a RV few service shops, but I imagine their labor rate will push me to just replace the tank....

    BEFORE you start running off and paying a dealership way to much money to fix it.....

    Use this. It can even be applied under water!!

    I used this on a water fountain and it really works. No messy two tube epoxies to mix. Just take stick and knead in your hands till it changes colors and put it on! Dries as hard as a rock and is sandable. Ace Hardware always carries it.


    West systems has these repair kits. See the one for plastic boats. It works on ABS and many other plastics that a lot of glues will not work on. I have not used it on a black tank but did repair a split in a kayak and it worked great and has held up for 2 years. Good luck
  • Thanks for all the replies. I'll have to think about the options. I'll let you all know what I choose and how it comes out.
  • i think maybe you need to start using the campground facilities!
    the jb water weld does work.
    good luck,it sounds like you could use some
  • You know Downtheroad and Donkeydew, I have to say that is funny. I usually see the humor especially potty humor in people's posts. But somehow when it's your issue it just escapes you. Now I'm sitting back chuckling and thinking of all kinds of responses. But I don't want to take it in a new direction and possibly get the post deleted. :B
  • Slight update. I finally decided to go the Plasti-Mend route (sorry no pictures) I applied about 5 or six coats overall and then buttoned it all back up again. I'll hopefully get a chance to test it all out soon and I'll report back as to whether or not it leaks.

    the Plasti-mend does seem to dry hard and it possibly melts into the tank. Unfortunately there is no real way to know if it's actually melting into the plastic or not without cutting a hole in the tank.