FunnyCamper wrote:
LOL fun thread to read
don't ever rely on a store promotion of anything free :)
we ALL know that, if you do, 95% chance you are coming out super disappointed :) :)
I guess for some reason we are usually in the 5% minority.
We take our young son to our local Home Depot on the first Saturday of every month for their free "Kids Workshop."
This past Saturday was July 4th and they advertised that they would be giving away free grilled hot dogs and bottled water during the Kids Workshop. We were camping 120 miles from home, but we went to the local Home Depot, and, lo and behold, they were grilling free hot dogs and had free cold bottled water.
No strings attached and just as they advertised. We did the Kids Workshop project (a Minion scooter) with our son, ate a hot dog, grabbed some bottles of water, and left without buying anything.
Just as they promised and just as we expected.
Oh, and they were also painting flags and other patriotic symbols on the kids' faces, if requested. Our son got many compliments on his face paint at the Independence Day parade we went to after we left Home Depot. :C