I too am a retired salesman. 38 years in the same industry. I think peoples pre-conceptions are the problem. If you ask someone to think of a flower, then think of a color, 75% of the people will come up with a red rose. If you ask people to think of a salesman, most will envision a used car salesman, and most will picture some one who looks like "Herb Tarlick" from the old TV show WKRP.
You, like I, were selling a product that requires building a relationship with your customer. RV & TV sales people are trying to sell one item, one time. Odd's are they will never have the opportunity to make a second sale to the same person. Thus they focus on today, not tomorrow, next week or 3-5 years from now when you upgrade. Just my observasions, worth every penny you spent to hear them.