I believe that sales people do not know their product. I feel that the consumer NEEDS to be educated to some extent on the product that they wish to purchase... ESPECIALLY if it is a high dollar item.
sidney wrote:
If I've done my homework and understand what I'm purchasing I'm confident I could determine if I'm being bamboozled by asking the pertinent questions.
The above quote rings so true. I was at a few dealers in the past couple of weeks looking at trucks. In one instance I asked about carrying capacity for a TC application . The salesman did not know so he asked the next person higher in the chain-of-command. I told him that I was looking for something with a "payload" rating in the 3,500# range. The man behind the desk said, "Don't worry- those are rated for 25,000#."
To me, an answer like that tells me either one of two things: The person did not hear or understand my question, OR he does not know the difference in specifications and is trying to snow the buyer. This person even got a little defensive when I mentioned that I was referring to payload specifications, not towing/ combined ratings. He made a snide comment back by saying that "you can't have it all, in order to get one, you have to give up another."
My advice to salespeople: Never insult your customer's intelligence.
A buyer NEEDS to know and educate himself before making a purchase!
sidney wrote:
If you find a salesperson ... misrepresenting a product or service you have every right to diplomatically correct their actions and not tolerate their behavior.
I went to another dealer, again with my main criteria being that of a truck which could carry my camper. The salesman kept trying to steer me towards a 2500 series truck (I asked to look at the 3500's.) He told me that all I have to do is add air bags and it will work. When I asked about this particular truck that had tires whose Load Index was not as high as other ones, he reiterated that the air bag will take care of that.
I opted to not politely correct the misinformation and just walked out.