Another suggestion, get some SunPacs, they are little cachets that you put in closets and sailboats (and RV's) to prevent mold. They emit formaldehyde, and it kills everything. Put several cachets up high around the inside of your RV, and open all of the closets and cabinet doors and drawers. This works best if used when there are several months that you are not going to use the RV. Then when you open-up the RV, open all the windows and doors and let the unit air out before you use it. I use them in my park model trailer in Florida over the summer, and I have never found a live roach or spider since I started using them. If I've found anything, it was dead. While the bombs kill most of the live roaches, in most cases, it doesn't last long enough to kill the eggs. The SunPac cachets last three months. You may have to look for them, or buy them on-line, we've found them at Walgreens.