Francesca Knowles wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Contact your Agent and ask him. They will probably raise your rates for 3 years. Have him do the math for you. That is why you have an Agent.
Understanding that as I already said, I think ALL "incidents" should be reported to one's ins. co.:
"Should I file a claim" is not a question to ask an agent if you're trying to avoid a ding on your record. Once you've made the inquiry, the incident will be noted on your record whether or not you proceed to file a claim.
These things are easier to understand, by the way, if we all keep in mind that "your" insurance agent really only sells you the policy. He/she isn't there to represent your interest, really having more obligations to the company that insures you.
I have a Farmers Agent that I have dealt with for 37 years and more than once I have discussed "off the record" my best options.
Ya get what ya pay for!