More than likely somewhere in your insurance contract, it states you are supposed to report all claims. As a previous claim adjuster, I can tell you that what starts out as a $3600 claim can quickly escalate. Appraisers can't always see all the hidden damage. You would also owe the vehicle owner for loss of use of their vehicle while it's being repaired (a rental car), so you're expenses could be higher.
Both accidents would be considered at fault accidents and would likely increase your premiums. The company I worked for would not have canceled you, but many would. If it were me, I would bite the bullet and report the claim. That way you could get your damage fixed as well. Be prepared for a rate increase for the next three years.
May I suggest you consider a driving course. These RV's really don't handle like a car, as you've found out, and a RV driving course may help you out.
We bought our coach from Lazy Days Rv dealer in Tampa and took their free driver confidence course. They also offer some online driver courses FREE....and are really informative.
HEREThese online courses are really good and I'll bet you'll learn about tail swing and how to avoid it!
Good luck