Forum Discussion

Geocritter's avatar
Feb 19, 2015

Interstates versus secondary roads

Interstates versus secondary roads. I found that I prefer interstates because people are able to easily pass me. I don’t like tailgaters, they annoy me and make me nervous. At the same time I can understand their impatience, my rig is not only blocking their way, it’s also blocking their view. Maybe it’s karma but I can still remember when I lived a few years in California back in the 1970’s. Every time my honey and I would drive up into the mountain’s we’d end up behind some RV that was struggling to climb the grades, but the worst part was they were totally blocking our scenic view. This would go on for miles and though I don’t normally tailgate I’d find myself following closer and closer just out of frustration. Those memories not only keep me mainly on the interstates but also encourage me pull over occasionally to let people pass when I am on secondary roads.