blofgren wrote:
We both still work full time and have a 7 year old son. We all love getting out but a weekend trip is a lot of work for the amount of time that we get to spend out.
What are other's experiences?
Pretty much the same
except our boys are now adults so it's just the two of us camping these days. Doing this for a couple of decades now, as you have, we've got the entire process down pretty well to a fine art but that said there are times it now seems to be more trouble & expense than it's worth. When our boys were younger and we could do longer road trips whatever it took to make it happen did justify the effort, but these days not so much. :( We still both enjoy it once we're on-site but all the before & after, no matter how finely tuned it's now become, does have us increasingly thinking of alternatives like more road trips without the camper and international travel, and less camping. However, in your case I'd say the difference is your son who still has enough years left before secondary school (and all the time consuming activities that involves) to still make it worth the effort, my only question being why for just 3 people going on short weekend trips, you need such a large rig and a truck to tow it with when a simple 20 footer towed with a nice 1/2 ton would be more than sufficient. :)