I would not say prices have "doubled and tripled". You can still get a good fish fry on fridays at all the restaurants for 8.99. The two grocery stores in town have expanded their items, and yes Albertson's in Blythe is a high priced grocery store. Right now, reg gas is 3.25 at Love's and Pilot. Diesel is 3.95 and 4.05 credit(big truck advertised price.) Many vendors have starting setting up at Desert Gardens and Tyson. Rice ranch still looks a bit empty. More are coming in each day. Had pizza at Silly Al's last night, place was packed! Prices have not changed. Lots still goes on at the QIA. And Walmart in Parker is 40 miles away, not 70 as the linked article states a few posters back. Don't bring lots of shorts and t's, mornings are down right cold. We had a campfire this morning. It is going to be low 70's in afternoon.
The Leather man, as you call him, has been putting on fabulous concerts around the area, even in Blythe. He is an accomplished pianist, and the shows are well attended. He does wear clothes at all public events.