Forum Discussion

cdlaine's avatar
Jul 10, 2014

Just a reminder..... Propane tank.....

Almost all here are aware of this... and, I was at one point
in my life cycle, but I have slept since then....

Purchased a new propane tank (unfilled) at Sam's Club... in my
zest I removed the paper wrapping from the shell, and a sticker...
thankfully replace the sticker on the tank. Turns out, my storage
place would not have attempted to fill a "new" tank without some
"proof" of the tank having been "purged" first. Thankfully, the sticker
I re-applied indicated purging...or, apparently, it would
have necessitated a trip to a facility that can "purge" the tank
prior to fill-up.... not desireable when ambient temps are 111 degrees.

moral to the story.... don't remove stickers off new tanks. The propane
filler guy would not have even attempted to fill without
tank having been purged.... he who holds the nozzle makes the rules.

p.s. two tanks... what 20 lb. (??5 gal.) ...$38.00 buck re-fill in
Chandler, Az. ouch.
    I have never, I repeat never, had anyone say anything about tanks being recertifed.I have been using the tanks for BBQ grill, fish cookers and whatever for many years .When they are empty I take them and get them refilled and no one has ever even looked at the date on tanks .Just saying

    Whoever is filling those cylinders for you without checking dates or condition is not doing you a favor, they're putting you at risk. Just saying.
  • I found a better solution to the re-cert problem. I just take the expired tanks to Home Depot which is a Blue Rhino dealer in our area. Trade the tank for another and if I remember right (been a few years since the last one) it only cost me like $18 or $19 more than a standard fill. I check the dates on the tanks and pick the most recent I can find. It sure beats buying a new tank or paying almost as much as the cost of a new one for the certification. Just let the Rhino deal with it.
  • I have never, I repeat never, had anyone say anything about tanks being recertifed.I have been using the tanks for BBQ grill, fish cookers and whatever for many years .When they are empty I take them and get them refilled and no one has ever even looked at the date on tanks .Just saying
  • Westend...

    I agree... but, my bride says I'm too corroded... no
    re-cert will do... think I'm headed to the landfill !


    Thanks for the data... any ideas what is magical about 12 years,
    and not say, 8,10,15 ??? I think I'll trust my own judgment if
    re-cert or re-purchase.... my BBQ propane (see how I didn't use
    tank or cylinder !) remains in an enclosed cover... now at 12
    years... I'll keep re-filling as long as the nozzle holder lets

  • Re-certs are good for 7 or 5 years depending on type of re-cert done.
    ANY retail propane company will do the re-certs.....bulk propane dealers not your side business refill stations.

    After initial re-cert the cylinders can be re-cert for 5 yrs again and again and again....until they don't pass inspection or regulations change.

    Cost for re-cert varies greatly.....some places will do it for free if refilling. Some charge as much as $60. Typically I think $35 is the 'norm'
  • Charles, I think we need to recertify you.:B

    Nice play on the labels.
  • dang ! on review of my 2nd post I see I did not get
    Prof. Biscuits tank v. cylinder usage correct again !!!
    I will take a lap and knock out 50 push-ups.... tomorrow.

    Slow lurner.


  • Biscuits....

    I am an inherently lazy (large carbon footprint)
    consumer... how long is the re-cert good for ?
    How much ? do they re-stamp the tank ? and,
    most importantly, is it worth the aggravation ?
    ... or just pony up for a new cylinder, grill on,
    and let the landfill sort it out ?

    (that oughta push
    some buttons ! grin.).


    ps truth be told..I don't even know where one would
    do the re-cert... or, if I'd feel safe with an aged
    tank....must be a reason they require it ... wonder how
    they landed at 12 years???...12 years in Az. aint the
    same as 12 in New it ? Maybe quasi science ??

    (still pushing buttons ? cheese !).

    pss...thanks for grammer/grammar/syntax/sintax correction.
    All forums need that service.I'm better at Jethro Boudin cipherin'.
  • Tank........permanently mounted vessel IE: Motorhomes
    CYLINDER......portable vessel. Needs re-certification after 12 yrs. from dated stamped on collar IE: Trailers

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