retiredtraveler wrote:
I've decided to start storing my Pop-Up outside with a good quality cover over it. I'd like to try as much as possible to keep mice out of it so I'm looking for suggestions. I plan on putting steel wool in all of the access opening in the side.....
NO, NO, NO. Steel wool rusts!!! Have you not used it for cleaning in your house only to see an old pad rust and break down?
We've discussed mouse issues for years and the jury is out about scents. For everyone that says mothballs work, someone else posts a picture of a mouse nest lined with them. Using something like foam and finding EVERY possible crack and crevice and sealing it is the only way. I'm not sure what to do with trailers. For pups, someone goes under the pup with a flashlight (when it's dark) and shines the light under the floor and someone inside looks for any light coming in.
Also, why do you think a cover would keep mice out? You would have to wrap the entire unit up --- no point in that. By the way, RV covers are another old, discussion area. Yeah, you can purchase an expensive breathable cover, or you can simply get an inexpensive tarp and tie it to the unit so it goes down the sides, but not underneath.
I used to put 2x4's on the roof and put the tarp over them, so the tarp was not clinging to the roof.
I have to agree with you on the use of fabric/plastic RV covers when it comes to rodent prevention. Recently saw the damage a rat did that was trapped in a public hallway with a 3"-5" bed of concrete embedded porcelain tiles. He successfully started 2 holes in the floor within the space of 3 days (the time it took to get someone to kill him) :E. Makes me shudder. Never seen any conclusive study on scents deterring rodents.