This is our 8th year on this MS and have done well with one a/c all that time and we have spent a lot of time in very hot weather. However, living in it, we try to escape north in the summer!
A/C failed once and capacitor was replaced and not sure if the guy cleaned it all out inside up top as you mention - filters, etc. He did tell me to keep the coils clean which I have done.
I think I will try to get an a/c guy out later today at our next stop - we should be there by noon and will be there today and tomorrow.
If it is the filters this sounds easy enuf to have taken care of. If it has lost charge I am not sure if this means new unit or not....maybe it can be addressed.
If it means a new unit we might have to limp along until we get home and that would not make us happy campers....October is a long way away!