To really understand how RV are manufactured and why so many items get missed, it would be well if everyone would make an effort to go through an RV manufacturing tour. It will open your eyes and help you understand why things are the way they are.
I've been to 3 and I understand. I also know what to look for when purchasing a new RV because of them. We've been on a Dutchmen, Denali, and Coachman tour. Each one is an eye opener!
And in the final end, no one is twisting your arm or holding a gun to your head to make you purchase anything. If you don't like what you see, you don't have to buy. I agree, if enough people would refuse to purchase because of workmanship defects (I don't call that poor quality ... it's workmanship defects!) the "message" would finally get through to those in charge of "Quality Control'!