et2 wrote:
korbe wrote:
For the people that think this practice is just fine, and don't see any problems, I would guess they have never gone up to their favorite lake towards the end of the week only to find all the first come first serve lakefront FS campground spaces "taken" and nobody around. Very selfish, IMHO.
How is it "selfish" if the campground permits it. That's a selfish comment if you ask me. If the owners, state , county, takes your money and has no issue with it, why would someone care what others think? Their profits and costs to run their business trumps worrying about someone jaded because of their policy.
We'll be dropping of our MH after the 4th for a month in a resort in a premium lot. We won't be there the whole time either. 2 weeks and a long weekend. As a matter of fact the resort asked for our business. The same applies to any campground that permits it.
If it bothers people, maybe buying your own campground would give you a better understanding of the costs to operate it.
For what it's worth our state parks here in Michigan are booked for the summer within the first three months. Advanced reservations. Some could say that isn't fair to those who don't have the luxury of planning ahead.
Yes, and those same people that came up to the lake early to drop off their rig along the lakefront sites, and then leave and come back late Friday afternoon would make the same statement as yourself. Not surprising to me.