westernrvparkowner wrote:
NYCgrrl wrote:
westernrvparkowner wrote:
Since your tow vehicle won't be there, everyone around is going to know pretty quickly you are not there. The knife edge you are going to be walking isn't likely to be thieves and other criminals, it will be all the people who are there legitimately and are angry you are working the system.
Why would this be considered working the system if the OP paid for the site? Trying to think of this from a hotel POV which I'm more familiar with. To me working the system is a state park w/ a limited time reservation allowed on site and when the reservation ends a friend/family member w/ a different last name and the exact same equipment takes over.
It's working the system because many National Forest, BLM and state campgrounds require that human campers actually occupy the site. An empty trailer or tent doesn't meet those requirements.
Correct. They are usually pretty specific about it in their signage too.