et2 wrote:
Do you get mad at people when a store has a sale on something you want and you get there to to see the guy or woman before you just took everything left on the shelf?
No, most people don't get mad over something like that. However, if they see a guy or woman taking all stock of an item and hiding them behind other merchandise and then coming back 4 days later when that item is on sale, pulling them out of their hiding place and buying them all up on sale, then most people will consider that rude and inconsiderate and tacky.
et2 wrote:
If it were me, I'd find somewhere else to go. But that's just me.
Doesn't that logic apply to your situation also? If you can't go camping until Thursday and the "decent spots" are already taken, then why not find someplace else to camp? Why does the person who arrives on Tuesday ready to camp have to go somewhere else so you can get your preferred spot on Thursday?