Bird Freak wrote:
et2 wrote:
Walaby wrote:
It's a shame that our country, and our morals have degenerated to the low points we are at today. Just because something is allowed, or not disallowed, doesn't mean it is the right, or courteous, or proper, or ethical, or moral thing do. We have gone, as a people, from caring about each other, and helping each other, to a people who only want what they want, and by god they are going to get it. One way or the other.
I personally would not do this... it might be allowed, or not expressly disallowed, thereby allowed by exclusion, but either way, it's not right. But, it is yet another example of how people are just gonna do what they want, because THEY want, and the impact to others be damned.
We've really made alot of progress as fellow citizens, haven't we...
This post has nothing to do about morality or degeneration of today's society ( actually that's a whole other converstaion and would quickly be closed on this forum) . It's actually about running a business. It's for profit. It seems many here don't get it. If a owner (whomever it is) allows it, that's their business. They have every right to make sure their campground is full and maximum profits are earned. They have families to feed and bills to pay. If they were worried About losing business over it, I'm sure their rules would change. It's a business model that is successful for them. Why do many of you take issue with it?
Again, buy your own campground and decide what's the best for you and you customers. Don't complain about people who live within the rules. People aren't just doing what "they want". It's permitted and advertised and encouraged.
I think you are dead wrong. If its a private CG most sites can be reserved which eliminates this rude behavior. Most COE Cg's cannot reserve a specific site and that is when this type of thing happens.:R
Sorry, but I think your reading too much into what I said. Please read carefully my argument. Then maybe you will understand. I have no problem with rules, those saying you can't do this, as well as rules specifically allowing it. Is that so hard to understand? Rules are rules and peoples opinion are .... Well just that.
For what's it's worth, I've never stayed at a COE campground. But if I did I would follow the rules just like everyone else. If I didn't like them I certainly would find a alternative. We stayed numerous times in a county owned campground in our state ( lakefront) that allowed this.
But it still seems many here find that to be "inconsiderate and rude". They have a opinion, for what it's worth.