Forum Discussion

Dog_Folks's avatar
Feb 15, 2014

Less Young People Camping?

It has been a belief of mine for a long time that each generation has it “tougher” than the previous generations.

My parents were what I consider to be “middle class.” Mom had her own beauty shop. Dad was a union truck driver. They had two homes, both built by hand, by my father. The last one they built with cash, month by month, out of pocket. My mom always drove a Cadillac. My dad always had a newer car.

Now, my generation, both wife and I worked do that we could have more “toys.” She did not have to work to survive. Sometimes it was a struggle.

Now, the present generation. Both man and wife HAVE to work. Many couples cannot have one home, never mind two, or multiple cars. I see many young couples just struggling to “get by.”
It just seems each generation has less. We see a lot less young people in the campgrounds these days as when compared with 40 years ago.

Is it because they cannot afford to go camping? Are they working too much to take a weekend off?

Assuming you agree that there as less young folks camping; what do you think the reason is?

PLEASE, no politics. That will get the thread closed.