I disagree about subsequent generations having it harder, each generation has it easier. We have more leisure time, higher wages, less work hours, and a lower cost of living as a percentage of income. Of course there are exceptions to the rule in certain areas of the country.
At one time our ancestors worked 18 hours per day merely to survive. Now we work 8 hours per day to live in comparative luxury.
Even welfare recipients live in nice apartments, have big screen tvs, and food in their belly, and that is from doing ZERO WORK. In most of the world if you don't work hard, you starve.
People today do not have to work two jobs if they have one job with a reasonable rate of pay. People think they need to have two income families because they don't control their spending. They want everything and they want it NOW!
I do agree that there may be less young people camping. I believe it is simply a change in lifestyles, not an economic issue. Younger people are wrapped up in technology and social media. This 2011 Toyota Vensa commercial really sums it up;