When we go camping, it seems like everyone in the country loves camping (and travel). However, when I talk with co-workers, friends and acquantances, I would swear nobody camps or even travels. When vacation comes around, they stay home or visit family once again. I believe it's because family resources are very stretched compared to years, and decades, past.
Some interesting numbers:
ITEM . . . . . . . . 1950 . . . . . 2012/2013
Avg wage . . . . $3,200 . . . . $44,000
Avg Home . . . $8,500 . . . . $289,500
Avg Car . . . . $1,500 . . . . . $31,000
Galllon Gas . . . $0.18 . . . . . $3.80
In the end, I wouldn't mind if the number of people camping remained flat (less crowds). When I want to be surrounded by thousands of people, there's plenty of ball stadiums close to home. We visit once or twice a season, but that's plenty enough.