Daveinet wrote:
While I still believe my primary reasoning is still the non-baby boom, some minor factors are also the general break down/disruption of the family. When I was in high school, can only think of a very few people I knew who were from single parent homes. When I talk to my kids or their friends, a very high percentage are from single parent homes, or blended homes. This break up of continuity of family life is pretty significant. Most of the time this happens in the earlier years, so right after a divorce, the last thing on ones mind is camping. Pretty hard to do as a single parent, and pretty low on the priority list. Usually one is in survival mode. Camping takes thought and preparation.
Welll,,,, There is another part of the equation. And, the kids of single parent /divorced homes from when I was young now are single parents / divorced parents of there own kids. Some of them still go camping once and awhile but, it's harder to do when there are so many parents / grand parents / and siblings in the story.
I'm 50. Two of my high school friends got married young and then divorced. There daughter now has 4 children . She is married to the father of her last child. The man she married has 4 children too. If you do the math that's a lot of people that all want to spend time with these kids. Especially on the holiday weekends. Too many places to run and not enough time to do it all.
The Brady Bunch looks fun on TV but, in real life there is a lot of stuff going on in a big extended family.