valhalla360 wrote:
06Fargo wrote:
Pet peeve:
Following slower drivers who speed up 25mph in the right lane when they enter a "passing lane" zone..
A pet peeve of mine also but understand, it's actually very logical.
I set speed limits as part of my job. The sign does almost nothing in terms of affecting actual speeds.
Drivers on average drive what they are comfortable driving. Ironically, when you get to passing zones or passing lanes, it's comfortable to go a bit faster because the road tends to be straight and wide open, so unconsciously they do tend to pick up a little speed (25mph is a bit of an exaggeration).
I'm usually aware of the issue but when distracted, I've caught myself doing it.
No real solution other than if you are the slow guy, make an effort to maintain a steady speed when you come to a passing zone or passing lane. If it's a passing lane, you may even consider slowing down slightly (not a lot), to help clear out a line of cars behind you. I wouldn't recommend pulling over or slowing way down as that can create other safety issues.
How true. I had those same thoughts, but you put it into print better than I could have.;)
And I don't believe very many drivers can deny doing the same thing.