1. Ron, we were just at La Push last week and had a ball. We were in Site 7. And yes, the food is good at Rivers edge regardless of what some folks say. Service was a tad bit slow as usual as they are on a different time standard...
2. In the state of Washington, it is illegal to hold up more than 5 vehicles.
3. it is also illegal to tailgate...
4. It is also illegal to cut off another vehicle.
5.When I was driving school bus, I was told NOT to flash your lights to signal that a passing vehicle could safely pull over. I know several truckers that have told me that they aren't allowed to do ir either because of liability.
A number of years ago, I was pulling a 32' TT back from Pullman and a guy in a MH was pushing me hard enuff that I couldn't see the front of his rig and my TT was doing some funny things. I kind of slowed down easy and he just stayed back there and didn't get the message. Sped back up to a safe speed and here he came again. No place to pull over and too curvy for him to pass. Called on channel 9 on the CB to see if a WSP may have been monitoring, they wouldn't answer as they weren't s'posed to be on it, and about 5-10 minutes later here comes one the other way and the guy is still glued to my bumper.The trooper hit his lites, u-turned and that's the last time i saw the MH.