STBRetired wrote:
I took a 4' X 8' sheet of 3/4" exterior plywood and cut it into 16" X 16" squares. Glued and stapled 16 of them together to make 8 1-1/2" thick pads. Kept the last 2 squares to use as 3/4" pads. No issues with using them with my coach 20K+, and have loaned them to friends with 35K+ DPs with no problems. Painted them with Rustoleum and the look great except for some scratches and rock dings.
Plywood is the BEST product for sure!!! It does not crack and split. I have 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1-1/8" pcs, Honestly don't use them much anymore with my 6 point system but my Wife had it dialed in when setting up with our last DRV.
I now use these custom made blocks for more stability keeping the ram's short. YES that is 18,000# setting fully on those 4 blocks. I was still hooked to the truck, the RV tires are off the ground.
Second pic is front pad.