Through a great stroke of luck (or divine intervention) someone else in the campground had the same frequency remote and happened to use it.
Kennedy64 wrote:
We live in a very rural area and I never take my keys out of my truck, whether at home or work. Yes, if the key is in the ingition fully, it will not lock, but my habit and I know its a bad habit, is to pull the key out just enough to stop the beeping sound, then when the kids accidentially put their arms on the lock button, the truck will lock. Happens frequently to me, you'd think the kids would learn LOL JK'ing, its all my fault for the way I do things.
The world is changing. I suggest you quickly get into the habit of taking the keys out every time you leave the vehicle or one of these days you'll be calling hubby to come get you because the car is gone.
I used to wrap a spare key in aluminum foil and then tape it to a wiring harness under the vehicle. That made it accessible to me without tools and very hard to discover by anyone else.