I have used Red Max Pro for over 3 years now with no adverse issues. I have heard that Zep is the same thing but don't have personal knowledge. Assuming that it is the same thing; prep is the key. The better you prepare the surface the better the result. I suspect that those who have problems skimped on the prep.
After two years I put two more coats on the front cap, no stripping required and it turned out great. One thing I learned the hard way was do not put wax over Red Max. I inadvertently used a wash and wax product when I thought it was wash only. The wax, in a short time, looked very bad. I removed it using 0000 steel wool and the RMP shone thru again.
When applying use multiple very thin coats. The first coat will look very bad, the 2nd not bad and the 3rd will look great. In wear areas such as the front 4 coats is probably best.