Remember to put away the stairs, and put down the TV antenna.
Some motorhome owners even go to the extreme, and buy a key blank that fits their ignition. Then hang it from the antenna when down, or put it in the ignition when the antenna is up. SO they can not start the RV until the antenna is down, and anyone trying to jump inside and start it will find a key that does not more the ignition!
Some have taken to making lists. Steps before leaving.
I knew when I was towing with a tow dolly (highly recommend 4 wheel down towing now) I had 7 or 8 steps to get hitched up. Including hook up to RV, then chains for both sides of the car, tire tie down straps, pin under the dolly, clamp on the dolly tilt thingy, plug in wiring for lights, ect. If I did not count all 8 steps, I visually checked until I was sure that all 8 where done!
I passed a RV once, and started waving my TV remote out the window, they stopped along the freeway to put down the antenna. .