lanerd wrote:
If your youth was anything like mine...yeah, this is payback for your past sins. I grew up in a small town and some of us guys had cars that we modified the exhaust with headers that could be opened for the drag strip. We thought it was great fun to drive up and down the residential streets, late at night, with our headers open.
So now I'm punished every time I go out on the street as some young squirt pulls up next to me with his base woofers blasting out a beat that causes my dentures to vibrate and hearing aids pop outta my ears.
I just smile and drive on....
When I had my Gremlin, I would deal with the rolling boomboxes by pulling the lever to uncap my headers and holding the engine at 4000RPM. Never heard one that could match a geardrive, a 6-71 blower, and 3" open pipes!